Monday, October 19, 2009

Post 3 - "Glee"

so about 6 weeks ago i came across this tv show that no one in this land of dutch has heard of probably because they are a season or two behind in tv shows, and they just watch different things.

anyhooters enter 'Glee', which sounds really fruitcakey but its actually really well written and executed. its funny and clever and original, and hey even the critics are liking it and so that's got to mean something, not much but something. Ryan Murphy creator of Nip tuck is the big guy behind all this and not that i ever watched Nip tuck cause i have this thing about needles and botox but it seems to come at a good time with everyone being so jacked up about shows that involve singing and/or dancing and/or "reality" this is is to be embraced. (die, dancing with the stars/ fame/ step up2, die.)

the ratings have been really solid for the show so obviously people are picking up on it, which is great cause its about time they brought out some good new stuff. also an interesting little tid bit is according to some reports on the net 'Glee' is helping out the music industry or digital-music sales cause the songs that appear on the show are popular and because its the number 1 hit show with females between 18 and 30 something which, happens to be the range that likes to buy music of the net. go figure! yay 'Glee'

to tell you a bit about it [and dont get put off by it cause ya it does seem a little yucky when the general plot is outlined but the characters are really great]: "GLEE, a new comedy for the aspiring underdog in all of us. The series follows an optimistic teacher, Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison), who -- against all odds and a malicious cheerleading coach -- attempts to save McKinley High's Glee Club from obscurity, while helping a group of aspiring underdogs realize their true star potential." that's how fox describes it.

check it out at and then check your local listings!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

post 2: 500 days of summer

a while ago i saw 500 days of summer in vancouver at the fifth avenue cinemas (which is the most badass little place, it plays a really good selection of movies including some more interesting ones that have been picked for film festivals point being that i saw this movie that now seems to be exploding everywhere which it really should, because its got fantastic acting and a really good story line, best part is that its not all sappy romantic but its just really good. and the fact that boyfriend could sit through this and not get 'notebook-ed' or a 'walk to remember-ed' (not that those arent two beautiful movies) but this is not really only a romance film, as the opening line goes this is not a love story.

who: Zooey Dechanel who just recently married the lead singer of Death Cab for Cutie and Postal Service Benjamin Gibbard outside Seattle somewhere and are best couple ever) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (super sexy guy)

watch the 500 days of summer trailer

basically it was good so i really recommend you see it if ur ever like hmm i dont kno what to watch, great for just a rainy night which we all know we will get plenty of especially if you live in vancouver or holland.

ps. the soundtrack rocks my boxers of so much. it features regina spektor, the smiths, hall and oats, simon and garfunkle, fiest, she & him and doves. just super super solid, like the film.
somehow diablo cody(writer of juno) is in the mix there too cause she shows up in all the photos from events that feature 500 days of summer. all these cool people run in the same circle. the a little non nuts - totally nuts hollywood scene.

ps. whip it a movie staring ellen page directed by drew barrymore which is getting a rating of 82 on rotten tomatoes is playing at the fifth ave. cinemas and probably other places it looks pretty good. going on the list of movies to watch.

post 1: hype machine.

in my first post i would like to introduce you to hype machine.

basically to quote their own explanation of themselves:

"To put it simply, the Hype Machine keeps track of what music bloggers write about. We handpick a set of kickass music blogs and then present what they discuss for easy analysis, consumption and discovery. This way, your odds of stumbling into awesome music or awesome blogs are high." -hype machine

its great because you go onto the site, search a song or artist that you heard anywhere and find not only a listenable and save-able (tisk tisk) link of the song but also information, photos and links to other artists that you will probably like as well.
if you are looking for new music or different versions of your favorite songs chances are they are defs on the net and this is the easiest way to find 'em, not to mention really interesting comments and insights from the blogs author.

a great way to stay on top of things, there are a lot of remixes of stuff too by well known and lesser known dj's, and they have this zeitgeist for 2008 featuring 50 albums, 50 artists and 50 songs that are nice to have a look at and its not picked by people who have shady motives in the music industry just by regular people cause it comes from what people blog 'bout.
sweet man.

check it out